
Estimation of your property

Make a pre-estimate or refine the selling price of your property with one of our advisors


Our services.

A lasting partnership based on mutual trust.

Pro Real Estate

You want to acquire a business ? Entrust your project to one of our real estate agencies with several years of experience.

Rental management

We have a Rental Service and a Real Estate Management Service to administer your properties for rent (residential or/and professional).

Syndic of co-ownership

Our syndic's office advises co-owners on the proper management of their property. The objectives are to organise the most harmonious operation possible between co-owners.

1st local real estate network

12 agencies at your service.
With a network of 12 real estate agencies established in Saint-Fargeau, since 2006, and then in Toucy, Saint-Sauveur, Charny, Auxerre, Chablis, Bonny-sur-Loire, Villeneuve-sur-Yonne, Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire and Tonnerre, Ordim Immobilier has an in-depth knowledge of the local market.
You want to buy, rent or estimate a property in the Yonne department, in Burgundy, in the Nièvre, the Cher and the Loiret? Our agency teams take particular care to listen to your project in order to accompany you in your search. Once your desires are exposed, our real estate agents treat your file with transparency and deontology.

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